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Repair of Agilent 33220A

A good friend of mine saved this nice arbitrary function/waveform generator from the dumpster. He mentioned that presumably the output was overloaded with 230V line voltage.
Upon powering it up it issued output overload. But allowing to activate the output. An executed self test showed the following error codes:

Error CodeDescription
625Self-test failed; amplitude DAC
These errors indicate a malfunctioning system DAC(U801), or failed DAC multiplexer (U803) channels.
630Self-test failed; internal ADC over-range condition
This error indicates a probable ADC failure. The failure could be of the system ADC (U703)), the ADC input multiplexer (U701), or the ADC input buffer amplifier (U702).
– Self-test failed; waveform filter path select relay 
– Self-test failed; -10 dB attenuator path
– Self-test failed; -20 dB attenuator path
These errors indicate that the specified relay is not being properly switched or the attenuator/amplifier is not providing the expected amplification or gain. These self-tests use the internal ADC to verify that attenuators are operating properly.
Initial Self Test

All those errors have to do with the self test feature where the controller reads back set voltages and amplifications with an onboard ADC. With the knowledge about an higher voltage overload on the ouput I looked out for the input protection circuitry.

After opening up the unit and doing a close optical inspection –

a BAV99 protection diode suffered death probably saving other components. But this wasn’t the only issue.

Upon powering the unit back up and touching different parts (lacking a proper thermal camera) I detected a pretty hot area where four parallel amplifiers are used in a 20db gain stage. One of them died. Due to the parallel nature of the circuit I just tested the device without the dead ic and it works and passes the self test.

The two defect parts

Those amplifier ICs cost about 15 Euro. If I don’t use those high gain settings I don’t need to replace the part.

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